Non-attorney representation at EEOC & MSPB hearings, whistleblower disclosure and retaliation, technical assistance to pro se litigation at the federal District Courts nationwide.
Headquartered in Jenkintown, near Philadelphia, EEO 21, LLC assists current and former federal employees nationwide. We specialize in all federal employment discrimination complaints and whistleblower retaliation complaints. We also assist federal employees to file at the federal District Courts pro se (representing oneself).
Our goal in providing this website is twofold:
to help you understand the process of filing a discrimination or whistleblower retaliation complaint,
to assist in EEO and OSC investigation process,
to represent you in EEOC and MSPB hearing proceedings,
to file OFO appeal and MSPB petition for review,
to assist in federal civil action for discrimination, and
to provide samples of motions, responses to motions or order.
Feel free to use this page to explore your options and use the forms links and other resources in filing your own discrimination or whistleblower complaint, such as filing a Preliminary Case Information (PCI), successfully participating in the initial conference with EEOC or MSPB administrative judge, engaging in discovery, filing motions, responding to motions (including opposing summary judgment motions), filing a pre-hearing report, examining witnesses at the hearing, and obtaining helpful tips on how to participate in deposition and mediation.
Areas of Representation and Resources
EEO investigation
EEOC hearing
OFO appeal
MSPB hearing
MSPB petition for review
OSC whistleblower disclosures and retaliation claims
Technical assistance to pro se litigation at the federal District Courts
In legal world, it is all about “show and tell” as in a kindergarten. The simpler and the more attention-grabbing the better and more persuasive. We are not dealing with truth here but with persuasion. To persuade, you must organize facts effectively in such a way that you paint a clear picture for the judge or jury to imagine and to convict. Again, it is all about “show and tell.”
201 York Road, Suite 1-535
Jenkintown, PA 19046
☎ Office/MOBILE Phone
(215) 939-5831
We accept Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal transfer of funds.
Payment by PayPal, Venmo, Debit or Credit Card, Apple Pay (at $1,000 fixed amount)
Zelle payment
Mr. Lee has argued EEO and Whistleblower cases for federal employees at the EEOC and MSPB hearings nationwide since 2004.
Federal District Courts adjudicate discrimination complaints and review MSPB final decisions regarding discrimination claims raised as affirmative defense in the Board’s appeal. EEO21 can help you file and prosecute your case as pro se litigant.
“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
“Power conceded nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”